Life By Bicycle @ Wordpress

Bicycling & Alternative Transportation Collection.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bike Journeys - To Write And To Ride Again.


Friday, July 17, 1:40 AM

It's primary focus of this account on Twitter and blog also at Word Press to speak on Alternative Transportation, Bicycling, and anything that helps one more person step away from this Car Centric Society that we live in today.

Also this specific account can also be considered a mouthpiece for the Bicycling and Health Project, which is initially scheduled to be For the month of July 2009. As June 2009 was also directly related to Open Source Month, that was extended up through this month as well. And as I am finding out besides, the project itself is always ongoing as I am learning how to work with Ubuntu as my primary Operating System so really I have no choice in the matter but to learn.

Indeed this has become an ongoing process, that works pretty well, whereby there is no choice in the matter but to keep it alive and make progress as it has also been one of my more popular blogs from what I have seen according to some of the recent stats.


Friday, July 17, 1:30 AM

My Accounts on Twitter with Link References;

Word Press

Is a new medium that has a bit more interesting options then Blogger which is why I decided to go with it for the moment...

Also the ease of redirection as I guess you can also do with Blogspot via Blogger seems to make good sense to me, So I took the proper steps in this new direction and begin setting up blogs at Word Press and yet I wonder if it is similarly how it went with Blogspot, mutliple blogs on multiple subjects, that are worked on every now and again. So Really I need to look at that aspect of the circumstance.

Currently Writing;

from within Word Press as we speak while self hosting:

Referencing OpenSource to Third World Countries and other notes as mentioned.

Alternative Transportation

Majority of things done by your own power, there is also car pools and public transit systems that have there own set of possibilities. Public Transit and Car Pools are something to consider but rather should put focus on traveling by human power either by Bike or by Walking.

Bicycling and Health

The month of July is supposed to be a month of BicyclingToday and about BicyclistsToday to speak on and to write about the wonders of bicycling and why everyone should be out there riding, how there are other possibilities then driving #An Automobile with less pollution and added -=Health Benefits=- to mix to ExtendLife by simply making TheChoice to do something different to take steps in a new direction for new experiences yet to be had.

Also makes sense to look at blogs that are doing well that are on the grow one such example is I will have to read up on more of his writing as he may also be worthy of a follow. Bicyclists United, can truly make a difference.

Thursday, July 16, 2:06 PM
"Forgot to take my vitamin today. The road to health, like the road to work, is full of potholes."


20.07.2009 03:07
To complete Bicycling and Health Month what I can do is finish Write Out - My First Bicycle Tour 2003 via Tasque. That would be a fitting end to this interesting month, but the question is there is only about 10 days left in it, so I need to organize my thoughts and figure out best approach.

Though actually, as I consider it, I could continue Bicycling and Health through the weekends in August 2009.

Open Source

The wonders of an open software program and a group of like minded people who want to see less --Proprietary Crap being used for the AverageDesktopUser while also EncouragingCoding of new additions and improvements over the last one.

Open Source Writings @

While taking the time to Understand the Situation (Open Source) of what people deal with, to bring Open Source is to also inform others of the comparable benefits and similar interface of each system, Highlighting the Increased Security of the OpenSourceAlternatives.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bicycling and Health Month – July 2009

First and Foremost;
I need to consider what activities I want to get done and
approaches to those activities as a means to an end while still
garnering the benefits of good exercise. As the month to come July
2009, is really to be about bicycling and health I should look at the
best approaches

Some ideas that sprang to mind not so long ago;
Are to take some time to step it up and for this up and coming month, figure out some bicycling
routes, and bring the tablets along and find locations along bike trails to sit and write awhile. That way I would be getting the dual benefit of bicycling and clarity of thought simply because I got out
there and rode. Some possibilities of routes could be, Fort Ord where there is plenty of space to travel, as well as enable me to connect to Toro Park and ride there also. There is Old San Juan Grade Road,
via Old Stage Road, and perhaps to make it even more interesting a ride from Castroville to Monterey, or Castroville to Santa Cruz. Camping would be nice but have to see about funding. Because really I
want to be able to take the time to explore and experience a bike tour while speaking on Bicycling and Health. Now the other aspect is if I can get some funding happening, enough to take a bike tour that
would be even better but July at this point is only a matter of about a week away so will have to see.

Beyond that to
speak on Health as well as Bicycling and how they are interconnected
it is important to really step it up and really make some major
changes. As far as a bicycling tour would go it does not need to be
long just enough of a chance to step away from the hubbub of the city
and get some exercise besides. As well as being able to travel To Big
Sur or anywhere else for that matter, the only limitation is the
funding aspect of it. With that solved can make this even better,
course on the other side of that coin it is necessary to get it done
to take some steps in the right direction.

Some of the
Objectives of this coming month July 2009 are;

  • To improve
    my overall health by improving the efforts to make sure I
    get the exercise everyday.
  • To become
    more aware of health and how bicycling is so beneficial for that in
    making progress.
  • As well
    as to log many more miles on my bike and loose weight by taking the
    time to ride and experience life.
  • To further solidify my grasp of Singular Focus – on a month to month
    basis because it makes sense.

The challenges I will likely face and overcome;

  • Is the activity of getting out there and getting it done, everyday a new
    adventure and a new beginning to further understanding of the
    connection to bicycling and health.
  • In finding the places to step away take a break after a good ride and
    write up something new and exciting.
  • Improving my breathing technique and my awareness of the world outside of the
    computer and the wonders of it's functionality.
  • Knowing that my focus is on the subject at hand and not detracted by other
    things or redirected toward distractions.

The Action Steps to take to counteract the challenges;

  • Stockpiling
    what I need to be out and riding for most of the day, some snacks,
    food and the like to make sure I get things done properly, and am
    able to focus not on my stomach instead on my experiences and my
  • Not to
    worry about if there is a bench or not just find a comfortable spot
    and sit down and write after every ride, in fact if it is only a day
    trip you could just wait till you get home although as I think about
    it that would be counter intuitive.
  • The breathing techniques will improve with enhanced health, also should
    practice the breathing in the evening in my night meditation
  • By taking action and doing it becomes more clear to your conscious mind that
    your objective is in the here and now.

The reward for my efforts is in the actions taken, and the new habits formed, so even though the next month is on an entirely different subject matter at the very least it is a good start to a better situation. The wonders of singular focus have become more clear in these recent days and as I continue making it a point to keep to it many a new habit will be formed. And in the formation of these same habits there is a progress not seen had the action never been taken in the first place. And In that I am appreciative of what is in the not to distant future.

Some Resources to Consider:

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lance Armstrong - Grasping New Media

After yesterday's stage 12 time trial at the Giro d'Italia, Armstrong refused to speak to waiting journalists, instead issuing his thoughts on the race via messaging website Twitter.

Journalists attempting to seek out quotes and reaction from Armstrong in his first outing at the Giro have resorted to quoting his Twitter messages - brief though they are - in the absence of anything from the man himself.
via Cycling Weekly c/o SoCalCycling

In so many years that the media has covered Lance Armstrong, the usual eventual conclusion would speak once more about his past, and how it is still not proven that his ability as an athlete who has overcome even the most challenging of times. Through cancer, he became better, more focused and more aware of cycling. And yet everytime, no matter how it was seen the press would bend the truth only a bit. Enough to help the people remember that although Lance Armstrong is a great racer, who has proven himself on more then one occasion as a competitor locally and internationally. Is still mentioned in line with doping or some variation of the word.

So really Lance, I think you made the best decision to stick to your guns, and to use the new media almost exclusively while letting the old media only strive after you. looking for quotes to put all over the papers they fell so important about. It is better in this day and age to grasp the new media, as there have been many examples how the old media is fading out.

The story continues on and as an avid follower of Lance Armstrong, I am appreciative that he took the time to share it with the new media first, his circle of influence on twitter. It does make better sense that more would grasp the power of this new medium to evolve to a more community based society instead of a controlled media, whose only objective is to further what ever agenda is being played too. The media at one point was actually a valid source until corporatism begin to realise by controlling the media they could also control the people to move them from self sufficiency, to dependency based on the convenience so fully advertised.

The real point is, that if more celebrities, or better known personalities, take the same steps to redirect their quotes to the new media at the very least there is less bias in the connected world, and at the very minimum it is the future of media, as it has already became a diverse knowledge base and that travels many times faster then a printed press ever could, and though the television as a media does have the information sooner, they are also more likely to have preconceived bias's that are in line, with the corporate company that holds a majority stake in that television station.

Lance is a trendsetter, by taking this first step he has helped others realise more so that the new media is the future of information flow, and to direct your thoughts to this new outlet it is likely to work out for the better without the bias or the agenda of the mass media of today. So the next question is will these celebrities, or personal superstars will grasp this new media and continue to direct thoughts or quotes to an extensive fan base.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Simplicity of Better Health by Bicycle Riding

"Every singular rotation of the bike pedal is one more to better health ... So Ride On!"

via AvidCyclist_Ray
A simple quote but one I realise, that  for most of my life here on this earth, I have made many a pedal stroke, whether it was climbing a hill, flying down the descent it was always one pedal at a time, as in that consistent effort progress from point A to B and back around to D. Such a simple process similar to putting one foot in front of the other to walk to progress.

So let us begin to understand how a simple quote is put into action, as bicyclists, as believers in Human Power instead of Internal Combustion burning fossil fuels. To realise how much cleaner a bicycle is or a walk should be, to do our own small part to make a difference in the environment. All along improving our life span by the simple choice to remember human power can get you anywhere a car can. Even if you pick up alot of groceries, at the bare minimum you work many smaller muscle groups, every little bit of exercise helps. Seeing as many of us live in more or less within walking distances of any store, why not make the decision, to not drive the car but instead to walk, or ride.

Why pedal or walk when you can drive?

  • Convenient Locations : Find Them.
  • Bicycling or Walking : Do It.
  • Decrease Your Carbon FootPrint - Save Money.

Locations, Locations, Locations : How convenient are your shops?

Considering that more and more people, are finding themselves in a developed area, suburbia or whatever term you choose to use for it for convenience and often for cost, the stores realise this, the idea that people have become more used to a life of convenience then a life that requires the work of generations past. We as consumers, rather a pre packaged fairly priced product then one that was ever grown and tilled by our own hand. Not because we don't like that sense of accomplishment that presents, instead because we live in a scarcity economy, we must work to live, not on a farm so much as in a corporate sweat shop. Some are stuck behind a desk, a counter, or on an industrial manufacturing line, because it is said that it is so important to have all the stuff, the media tells you the stuff is what gives you value. The house, the car the 2.5 kids, but of course in order to get these things you need money and to make money well you do what they teach in the schools, by your parents. To go and work for someone else, to give another person an approximation of what you are worth, as if you can even have a price, to place a price on sweat equity because that is what was done for years, long before the here and now. How many generations were taught that same story, who were completely overwhelmed and stopped thinking for themselves because everyone else is doing the same. The idea to keep up with Johnsons, that idea that you need to have what they have live the life they are. Though really we as human beings are truly priceless, no one person should be able to tell you how much you are worth, what they will pay you to keep you a slave to an already failing economy.

The point being that since more and more people must work, they also tend to find places, that are nearby, stores, shops, the kind of places they go to shop on a regular basis, because with a job, there is usually a family, a house and all the basic things we are often told we need. So there are needs that must be met, shopping, cleaning, items that may only be used once but because they are the latest and greatest people go and buy them. Of course the idea is here, that we as people like to find convenience, and in the decisions we make for where we live, we often consider the vicinity of stores and shops because after a day slaving away from someone else you only want to go pick up some things from the store and just cook it up to do the same the next day but you got some of the green stuff for your effort. Even if it is clearly not enough, again another aspect of the circumstance, that grocery stores tend to capitalize on. Since we are working for someone else and in that they choose the value of our efforts we end up being a bargain hunter. Looking for what you need at the lowest price, preferably at your favorite local shop, you know the one that was a determining factor in when you first moved to this place.

Really the idea is clear, since we made the decision in the first place based on financial needs and convenience most shops are easily within walking or riding distance, add a trailer or get Environmentally Friendly bags and reuse, in that effort you gain the pride in doing something everyday for you and the environment, you decrease your carbon footprint which consequently results, in decreasing the monthly bills for energy and maintenance on a car, and the effort it took is less then it would of had you chose to drive the car, deal with the traffic and watch as the Gas Inidcator gets closer to E and knowing that more money will go out then in if you continually drive a car to places that are within such short distances.

Bicycling and Walking : Do It

We as people have learned that nothing gets done if action is never taken, and though it may be challenging it is important to start and to follow through. Habits are not so easily changed but through consistency they cannot help but evolve. Through this evolution, this change of Habits it becomes clear that consistency is really the key to make the necessary change.

To Walk, is not so difficult at all, we walk everyday from the car to the job and back again, but why not step it up some, take a few extra steps each day, instead of taking the elevator take the stairs and instead of rushing out to lunch why not find a local cafe that is nearby within walking distance and take those steps to go there over your lunch hour. For that matter why not plan ahead by taking a walk to the local store the night before to get what you need to make your lunch for your workday, all you need is those Environmentally Friendly Bags and a jacket and then enjoy the night stroll. During that night stroll you may as well walk on over to the local shop and get the ingredients, take it to the register pay for it and load it in your Environmentally Friendly Bag and take the stroll back to your home. Certainly it may take longer, but why not enjoy it fully, take in the sights, breathe the fresh air, observe how interesting the town can be at night, I am sure you will see that it is nice in the evening after all.

To Bicycle, well it is still not so difficult, in fact it is quite simple but if you do not have a bicycle already it may cost a bit more then walking, though consider the savings of a decreased footprint, better health because you took the time to get some exercise. A bicycle, can be a very simple machine or an amazing device, the wonder of bicycles though is in their simplicity. The initial cost, only an investment in a better future and a longer life. Shopping for a bike, there are plenty of resources, you can take a look at;
  • Craiglist - Bicycles : Choose a City Close By, there are often many who are selling a bike and at a fair price to boot, look locally because really since Craiglist is community based you are not working with Retailers so much, instead you are looking for a bike as a starter. 
  • Garage Sales : It is amazing sometimes what you can find in these community based sales, and often the items they are offering can be negotiated down. As you are only looking for a starter bike for simple commutes. 
  • Bicycle Co-Ops : These are groups of cyclists, who take the time to put together Co-Operatives to increase bicycling awareness through education and opportunity. There are many through out the country, each one can offer fair prices, or education on some of the better places to look. Often these are not for profit advocacy groups whose only objective is to increase understanding of how great bicycling can be.
  • Auction Sites, there are many that could also give you an opportunity to look for parts or bicycles, they are usually for profit companies but it can be amazing sometimes what you can find when you really look. 
Once you have established a bicycle by any of those previously mentioned then you can start looking for the very basics of the bicycle commuter, not the spandex outfits, nor the power bars or anything like that. Instead the basics are as simple as a rack on the back of the bike to carry loads, or to be eaven simpler then that a backpack would do just as well. I would recommend a good lock, because sorry to say not so many understand how important that can really be, as I am sure you don't want to come out with your load and see the bicycle gone, but if you do at least you can walk it. Bicycle Security is important that way. At the very minimum carry a lock with you and make sure you find a post or something that is secure to lock the bike too. Certainly you can take the chance, or you could just see if there would be a problem bringing your bike in while you shop. In my experience at the places I shop that is never so much an issue but always good to be prepared. You may also want to learn the basics of bicycle repair as a way to make sure that if something goes wrong you can fix it. Indeed it does happen, but at the very least you are prepared if it does so you ride your bike there you can ride your bike back, because really that is what it is all about. Bicycling is certainly a great way to get around, and if I was to recommend one over the other I would say that a bicycle is a better way to go depending.

Decrease Your Carbon Footprint - Save Money!

Perhaps it is the most simplest of the series of statements throughout this article, that decreasing your carbon footprint, in and of itself can make an immense difference in how you begin the journey to your better health, and through it increasing your lifespan. There are certainly many resources, on decreasing your carbon footprint;
Walking and Bicycling will help in that matter, simply because there is less waste that way then there would be in any other you walk or ride your bike you are getting exercise, helping the environment and extending your life. What other reason would stop you from adopting these alternate modes of transportation? Far as I can tell not much except that person in the mirror, that you need to reach a consensus with, because change is not easy but it is a necessary evil, if you want to call it that. So why not start today, when you realize you need to get some food or get a snack, don't go towards the car, go towards the sidewalk, start putting one foot in front of the other and when you arrive, pick yourself up some of those environmentally sound bags.

And if you ride a bike don't forget the lock and the backpack, be joyous in this occasion whether it is the first time you have taken a walk to the store, or rode a bike to the same location. It's easy just as long as you keep it consistent.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Zabrieskie - Amgen Tour of Calfornia Rider Robbed in Utah

Zabriskie's home burglarized

While the Web-based cycling community was all a-Twitter over the recent theft and return of Lance Armstrong's time trial bike, another cyclist has suffered a bigger loss of personal property, but did not discover it until he returned from the recent Amgen Tour of California.

Salt Lake City Police have issued an appeal for the public's help in recovering items stolen in a burglary at the home of Garmin-Slipstream’s David Zabriskie.

According to police, the break-in occurred while Zabriskie was in California for the recent Amgen Tour.

Police also issued a partial list of items stolen and asked for help in their recovery, particularly if any turn up in local pawnshops or on eBay.

Among those items stolen from Zabriskie’s home are:
Black 2008 Subaru Outback, Utah plate A189NC
Black 2006 Toyota Scion, Utah plate 094VWM
Giro D Italia Race Medal (approx. 6" circumference)
Olympic Seiko watch
Beijing Olympic ring (silver) with initials "DZ" engraved ($4,000)
Olympic Time Trial Bike, plus 12 other bikes (combined value of $100,000)
Cervelo (black/red) bike frame - team issued ($5000)
Tag Heuer watch ($6,000)
Bose Speaker/Receiver System ($15,000)
Sony 52" flat screen TV ($4,000)
Two Mac Books and one Mac desktop, plus hard drive ($8,000)
A pair of Space legs, a recovery compression system for legs ($5,000)
7 Marvel sideshow statues ($11,000)

According to police, the Marvel sideshow statues are distinctive in that they stand two- to three feet tall and are very heavy. The stolen statues were of: "Hellboy" pistol figurine, "Ash"Army of Darkness, "Tomb Raider" Lara Croft, "The Punisher," "Alien," "Ironman" Limited Edition, and a "Gears of War" character.

Anyone with any information on this burglary or the location of the items is asked to call the Tips for Cash line at 799-INFO (4636). Please reference case #09-32767.

via VeloNews

Friday, February 13, 2009

Bicycling - A Reflection

When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle.

~ Hovel in the Hills: An Account of `the Simple Life

That is a great quote coming from Quote Garden, that has a great series of interesting quotes in regard to bicycling as a life choice, the wonder of the journey by bike via Human Power. It is a wonderful thing, to realize that so many explore bicycling as a life choice. As I have explored, in so many posts here at bike-journeys, and get out there and ride everyday by two wheels and using my own muscle mass to propel myself forward.

It goes even beyond that, in that simple effort of riding I improve my overall health and increase energy that is available, while thinking more clearly. And it only gets better as time progresses, as I Focus Forward in my life.It is one in the same, that progress is a constant, as the journey continues on two wheels and by Human Power.

As I explore this wonder of Alternative Transportation I also setup a new zone on Helium that is specific, regarding, bicycling as a life choice, because it makes sense to share the knowledge and the awareness that I have learned in the years I have been on this earth. There is so much more to expand on, though that is for the next post.